Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jason been KIDNAP.... and the Food Missing..

Can u actually believe it... Uncle have been complain that he shit at his compound. A few time he gone missing... After few day he will come back... There was one time I saw my neighbour playing with him.. I thought never mind.. they are just playing with him...

Apparently I notice the food getting finish fast... Sometimes dog finish it.. so i bought the container for him.. No more spillage..

2 days ago we gave him Sardine for morning snack. However when I came home the food still there so i force him to eat the sardin. Tha afternoon 2 boys came to my house and claim that their cat have come to our compound... What the tot.... Eli xplained to them that he is ours.. Then they took him and played..

Today the food is missing with the container.... Oh no.... Who on earth would take the food and the container... It would be so funny for me to lodge a police report. However we plan to keep the food inside now....

They did not actually steal my cat but secretly kidnap him, give him my food and play with him... Kesian Jason tak puas main2 dgn we all then main2 ngan orang lain plak....

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