Thursday, June 23, 2011

Truth to be told - Part 1

It seems perfect to ask everything from me but require to give less thing. I try my best to adopt the word. And just inform by brilliant ideas just give the input of 20% of the total impact. I have to eat this alive. And yet no performance have been seen. As a result someone else will take credit for what I plan.

Work smart and documented your ideas. Maybe this is my weak point. I take not on this weak point. anyhow appraisal is appraisal. The will reflect nothing is myself. Accept me for who I am... If you cannot accept me at my very worst then you don't deserve me at my very best.

I am not saying I am good but if you want me to document my idea. Well we'll see who will suffer the most.

My weakness have been table

1. Late in - Sick of this comment
2. Emergency leave - Uncle died (you want the death certificate ke..), Family issue (my family come first in any manner).
3. Reporting - I dont like to see bosses because I hate being label bodek by others. Seem have to do this job now.
4. Bossy - Strict I would call it. More silent now.
5. Breakfast - The auntie vacuum.... Really cannot stand the sound of the music.....

My planning
1. No more late in -  Motto and Mojo I have to learn from my hubby how he adopt to it. Sleep early then you will be early or morning person.
2. No more people died that I have to take care other than my parent and my sibling. Okies...
3. Reporting - I have to learn to be the blue eye girl... we'll see
4.Bossy - Email what you want okay...
5. Breakfast - buat sniri ler..

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