Tang sangka jumpa dengan customer ni dari jual rumah aku bagi bagi nasihat kewangan peribadi kat dia. Bila dia ceritakan kisah hidup dia buat aku termenung. Macam mana nasib bila aku dah tua nanti.
"How old are u Sue" my answer 26... hehehe I will add another when the baby come out... Ops at that time I am already 20++ "So u jual rumah nie banyak ke rumah yang u beli" he asked me persistently, I have just bought my new house, itupun sub sale and need to fork out a lot of extra cash to make sure things go smoothly. bukan senang Mr. M because if u work in private sector gaji u ni dia kira tak kuat. However maybe I am able to proof the balance sheet to them, then the loan approve"
After that the conversation all in English because my colleague have conversation with the
"I am Six series already and retired, I have my pencen everymonth".I work in government sector, assistant pharmacies". Alhamdulillah... I think he have more than enough to live within his mean. "So why u are looking for a new house." My concern is my daughter, she just bought new house, she is working in private sector but using her husband government loan". Sound easy than, no need to fork out a lot of money maybe the loan will be fully utilised. "However she will still depend on me when it come to money" I smiled at him. "Did you ask from your parent money" he asked me blantlantly. "Yes, because my mum is also in government sector before and she had six children, she didn't allow us to borrow money freely from financial institution, however u can borrow for her with free interest. And furthermore she will also investigate the purpose and you cannot borrow money to defeat the purpose. I borrow for investment and I will show proof the investment certificate or what ever". "She is not borrowing but she ask from me, to subsidize her life. she never pay even a single cent. She had 1 child and I have to continue to support the child. Nowadays, even your child never ask money from u is good enough. I never expect them to give me any monthly allowance at all" he say sadly. I quietly listen to Mr. M grief.
"Why are you complaining now Mr. M, it seem to me you don't have the financial problem at all, but your daughter is the one. Don't u think she should be worried herself, and u have informed she already have her support, why don't you advise her to seek the financial assistance from her husband?" Beside he is still working and you are retired" I advise him again. As we know old people should be stress free. And since he is six series, God knows what kind of disease he carry.
"Her husband seem not complaining if she ask money from me. I am so surprised because I thought he would the gentlemen who know how not to ask from your parent since you already married." He answer in painful grief. "He seem not care, I assist them to take care of the child to reduce their burden but now I feel sad since she is ignoring what I am sacrifice for" his face did show his disappointment. "Mr. M, your daughter actually taking advantage of your kindness, and I am sorry truth to be told she will not be there for you when you need her the most. I can even notice, you have to carry extra burden in your shoulder and you should relax. Please rectify your mistake while you have time. Bare in mind what will happened if you die, how will she continue her life without your financial support. Its about time for her to carry the responsibility about her financial fiasco, the husband should chip in, however if he persist, i am afraid your daughter actually don't even know where his money goes. That is very ridiculous because they should share the problem and responsibility together. Investigate the problem before it become more crucial"
I pity Mr. M because he have to undergo all the situation and have to eat everything alive on his own. Nanti kita sambung part 2. Tangan sudah lenguh mau cari makan pula.... Hmm dah melayu balik dah... Tadi cakap dengan orang Melayu bahasa orang putih. alah pesara, please give him a chance to be proud of his expertise. Lagipun banyak jasa dia kat sepital tue ha... Silap2 dulu dia pernah bagi aku ubat.. cuma aku yang tak perasan
I pity Mr. M because he have to undergo all the situation and have to eat everything alive on his own. Nanti kita sambung part 2. Tangan sudah lenguh mau cari makan pula.... Hmm dah melayu balik dah... Tadi cakap dengan orang Melayu bahasa orang putih. alah pesara, please give him a chance to be proud of his expertise. Lagipun banyak jasa dia kat sepital tue ha... Silap2 dulu dia pernah bagi aku ubat.. cuma aku yang tak perasan
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